Knee, Leg and Foot Pain

The knee is the largest joint in the body. It is a major weight-bearing joint and is one of the most frequently injured joints in the human body. Knee pain can have a number of different causes and can be painful and debilitating and although some conditions may require surgery many can be helped with the right advice, exercise and treatment. The knee joint lies between the femur and tibia and at the front is the patella or kneecap. It is made up of a number of structures including lig...
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Elbow Pain

Pain occurring in the hand can sometimes be relieved by the gentle manual treatment of osteopaths depending on the cause. Osteoarthritis or wear and tear in the joints of the hand and the elbow may be the cause of your symptoms and may benefit from treatment and advice from an osteopath. X-rays, scans and other tests are sometimes required to make a diagnosis and your osteopath may refer to your GP or a specialist for any additional investigations or treatment. Tennis Elbow and Go...
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Hip Pain

There are a number or reasons for hip pain some of which can be helped by visiting an osteopath. Pain can come from a tight, strained or overused muscle in the hip or from the joint itself. Pain in the hip can sometimes be the result of an injury, it can be referred from the back or related to the way you move, stand and/or use your hip. Pain from osteoarthritis or wear and tear in the hip joint is also common. Osteopaths can’t cure the arthritis and it depends on the severity of the w...
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Lower Back Pain

Trouble with your back does not simply produce pain in the back. Often it may cause symptoms in more remote areas such as the buttocks, groin, hips, and legs (commonly called sciatica). Problems in the spine and neck can also cause symptoms such as dizziness, headaches, clicking jaw, pins and needles and many more. Indeed research has shown that problems related to the back may affect over 60% of the UK’s population at some stage in their lives. Osteopaths are trained professionals who...
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Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain is common and can be caused by a number of conditions. These conditions include: Rotator cuff problem  -  pain in the shoulder or upper arm, particularly when lifting the arm, lying on it or using the sore muscles. It is often the result of repetitive overuse of the arm and shoulder during a sport or activity or the result of a shoulder injury.  Age can also play a part. Acromioclavicular joint pain  -  painful joint on the tip of the shoulder where the collarbone and sho...
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Neck Pain and Headaches

Neck pain is common in people of all ages and is often caused by how we use our necks. Working all day bent over a computer, driving long distances, poor posture while standing or sitting, stress and tiredness are all factors that can cause the muscles in the neck and upper back to become tight and the joints to become stiff which can contribute to ongoing neck pain. Sometimes a nerve in your neck can become irritated or “trapped” and cause pain in the arm going down into your shoulder o...
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